Course materials for UCL module COMP0161
Course materials for the Auditory Computing module at UCL Computer Science, for delivery in Term 2 (January-March 2025).
Please bring your laptop and suitable headphones/earphones!
A provisional schedule is shown below — note that the topics are only indicative and will almost certainly change as we go along. Links to any associated content or requirements for each week will be added as necessary. Tutorial code will generally be found in the tutorials repo.
is a script for some basic sound generation and playback using
the simpleaudio
python package. Provided in case anyone is interested,
but note that you do not need to run this yourself.lab04.tidal
is a Tidal Cycles script used to produce some sound examples in the
is a SuperCollider script for pitch & tuning examples deferred from last weekSome of these may be discussed or used in lectures or practicals, others are purely for interest. At some point they might get organised along such lines, but in the meantime feel free to browse around.